Yearn Shoemaker / SlimShoes / Arterton London: review of a sponsored pair (Part II) April 03, 2022 Arterton London hand lasted +7 handmade handsewn handwelted leather Made in China patina review shoe-making shoes SlimShoes Yearn Arterton London hand lasted handmade handsewn handwelted leather Made in China patina review shoe-making shoes SlimShoes Yearn
Yearn Shoemaker / SlimShoes / Arterton London: review of a sponsored pair (Part I) March 27, 2022 Arterton London hand lasted +7 handmade handsewn handwelted leather Made in China patina review shoe-making shoes SlimShoes Yearn Arterton London hand lasted handmade handsewn handwelted leather Made in China patina review shoe-making shoes SlimShoes Yearn
ACME Shoemaker: the UNsponsored review January 09, 2022 Acme shoes Beijing craftsmanship +8 custom made handmade handsewn handwelted Made in China MTO museum calf shoe-maker shoe-making shoes skin-stitching Acme shoes Beijing craftsmanship custom made handmade handsewn handwelted Made in China MTO museum calf shoe-maker shoe-making shoes skin-stitching