Xibao - TGC - OctTenth: the legendary OEM maker behind your favourite Chinese handwelted shoes August 22, 2020 Blake box calf Chinese Goodyear +10 handmade handwelted leather machine made Made in China maker material MTO OctTenth shoe-maker shoes TGC Xibao Blake box calf Chinese Goodyear handmade handwelted leather machine made Made in China maker material MTO OctTenth shoe-maker shoes TGC Xibao
An Interlude: Of Shirts and Shoes April 06, 2019 Argentum Aurum box calf +4 handwelted Italian leather Made in Italy Meccariello museum calf shoes suede Titanus vegetable tanned Argentum Aurum box calf handwelted Italian leather Made in Italy Meccariello museum calf shoes suede Titanus vegetable tanned