Tai Pan Row Shirt Review - The Preview

Random shirt-gazing on Instagram can be dangerous. Especially on a typhoon day.

On a T8 day, @shirtingfantasy passed by Tai Pan Row. Vaguely remembering tailor @yallyyan had some positive remarks about Tai Pan Row shirts, @shirtingfantasy wandered into the shop. Perhaps not by surprise, he met @thomastam123...

Please stay tuned - for details of the misadventure1.

Taking off your shirt at a tailor is always an ominous sign. @shirtingfantasy's Swiss linen shirt by @wongmanhoi1025


1: In a financial sense, obviously.

Shop information:

Tai Pan Row


Shop 2033, IFC Mall, Central, Hong Kong tel +852 2147-2828

Minimum order: typically three shirts

Price range: ...
CMT service: ...

Handmade option: YES
